Saturday, February 25, 2012

Don't Mind the Mess

Assembling things isn't the easiest thing to do with a toddler, but it can be quite fun if you are able to not mind the mess. Last week my father-in-law gave us A's winnings from a Super Bowl square he had gotten for him. That lucky little guy won $200! We're putting some of it in A's college fund, but we also wanted to get him something fun.
A loves to paint but we don't really have a good spot for him to do it. Last weekend, we were at a friend's house and her son has this really cool easel, so I thought it would be something neat  and practical to get A. I ordered it on Amazon, and when we came home Friday, the package was waiting on the porch... A loves getting packages, so he wanted to know what is was right away. Since it was a dreary day and we were both sick, I figured putting the easel together was a good activity.

 It wasn't too complicated, but a bit time consuming. A really wanted to help, so I put him in charge of the screws. He took them all out of their bags, and put them all in a little tray arranging them by color. He kept coming to me, asking if I wanted any. After I refused a few times because I was busy, he turned his attention to the package's Styrofoam. Who knew you could make it look like it snowed in my kitchen? I knew it would make a mess, but thought it was kind of fun, and after all, that's why we have vacuum cleaners! So I encouraged him to make more snow (thereby giving me a bit more time to finish the task at hand). The "snow" ended up everywhere, including all over him, and we had a good laugh.

When the assembly was completed, A couldn't wait to start painting. He helped take the accessories out of the packages.

And started painting...

Eventually, he gave the paintbrushes up and used his hands for a little while.

He is loving the easel, I am just not quite sure where to put all of his artwork...

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