Monday, April 18, 2011

The Eggstravaganza Begins!

For a while now, I have been excited about introducing A to the joys of Easter.  I am not talking about Jesus and his resurrection -- I couldn't care less-- but about the real fun stuff: bunnies and Easter egg hunts!
To start the fun, I borrowed a couple of Easter egg hunt themed books at the library, and Biscuit has been a hit. After we got the egg hunt concept down, it was time to practice: Thursday, I brought out A's Easter basket...

...beautifully personalized by my mom, and we got a few practice rounds in, looking for his shaky eggs around the living room. He was so into it, I couldn't wait for the real deal!
Saturday morning was our village's annual Easter egg hunt in the park. They do a wonderful job and separate the hunts by age groups so that the 8 year old aren't taking all the eggs from the toddlers... The children under four's hunt started at 9am. We got our rain coat on, grabbed the basket and  were ready to go hunting for eggs!

The lady told us the kids were supposed to only pick up five or six eggs, but A didn't stop at that. I didn't stop him either, since there seemed to be plenty of eggs to go around.

it's important to count your eggs in the middle of the road
After we were done putting the eggs in the basket, it was time to meet the bunny!

A was interested in him, and in showing him his prize, but not so much in hugging him, as with most people, he kept his distance. That's OK with me, I'd rather he didn't run up to strangers and hug them, even if they look like nice bunnies...
just like bunnies, A likes to eat carrots!

The only little trouble we ran into was exchanging our eggs for a prize... A was a lot more interested in keeping all his eggs than in getting a prize (maybe because he knew Maman wouldn't let him eat that junky candy anyway ... I'm all for chocolate, as long as it's good chocolate, and that, it was not). One thing A kept from the day? The word "bunnies", in English.  (He has already has been saying "lapin" for a while).

In the afternoon, I bought some plastic eggs for next week, and A's been playing with them and his basket. Next week, we will be going to "Breakfast with the Bunny" at the YMCA on Saturday, and will have our own hunt at home on Sunday. After that, we may be egged-out, but I doubt it, there can never be too much fun. What's the next holiday to celebrate?

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