Wow, I haven't written anything here since the end of June, it will be a true miracle if anybody stops by and sees this post! The reason I've been silent for so long is, mainly, that I was fully enjoying our vacation in France and didn't really have any time to sit down and write. Why haven't I written since our return? A is now happily napping on his own, which means I am not stuck in his room for two hours a day anymore, so I do stuff around the house instead (it's good for the house, not for the blog...)
We are getting back in our Central New York routine, little by little, but I'll try to give you an idea of our vacation.
We spent our first week in Paris, at my Mom's apartment. The apartment is great, but A is used to running around a lot, so we spent most of our days going to parks around the city and visiting with friends. We also took a side trip to Normandy to visit my aunt, uncle and grandfather. We made it an overnight trip, with a great stop in Lyons-la-Foret.
Here are A's favorite things about Paris, in no particular order:
- the buses
- the metro (which he, at first, named "tchoo-tchoo in the night", before switching the "metro")
- the taxis
- the camions-poubelles (garbage trucks)
- the busy traffic ("regarder voitures encore!")
- the parks
- the "maneges" (merry-go-rounds -- they are everywhere: parks, street corners, etc... a great incentive to go out)
- the bread
- pains au chocolat and brioches
My favorite things about being in Paris with A?
- Taking him to the parks where I played as a child, watching him ride the same "maneges" I rode.
- Having him taste the great fresh foods and the amazing stuff boulangeries have to offer.
- Seeing him play with my childhood friends' children.
- a major plus: kids- even toddlers! -can ride the maneges on their own in France, so you can actually get a break while they have fun (why can't we have that here???)
here are a few pictures of A in Paris:
this manege is in the Champs de Mars, it's manual wind-up carousel |
the kids get a little stick and they have to catch rings on it |
A was just happy to hit the ring-holder |
a modern "manege" |
same one, different car |
yet another manege |
A walking in "les Tuilleries" |
Next post: week 2: Brittany
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