My Mom, who is watching A when I go to work these days, invented this little game of capturing the ants so we can release them in the backyard. A really loves it: he's on the lookout and whenever he spots one, he yells excitedly: " fourmi! fourmi!, Mannie (his name for my Mom), attrapper fourmi!". ("ant, ant, catch ant"), while he goes to get the little plastic box that has become the ants' transit center.
showing off the ants the 'transit center' |
I have to give credit to my Mom for find a fun way to deal with the ants that avoids killing them (and thereby avoids teaching A to be violent against living creatures). In the meantime, I have found out that the ants don't like cinnamon, so I have sprinkled some all around the living room, and have noted quite a difference in the number of ants trotting through our house. There's just enough left to play a game of ant-catching here and there...
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