Friday, May 27, 2011

Week in Review

My semester teaching TV News at OCC ended a couple of weeks ago, after that my mom and I took off to Pennsylvania with A for a few days and my mom left for France last week, so this was my first full week at home alone with A and it has been a ton of fun! I know people are all gung ho about careers and stuff, but quite frankly, I find plenty of great things to do that do not involve working. Too bad we need money to live...
Anyway, here's a quick review of our week:
Monday A went to the sitter's because I do teach a little French class at our local elementary school once a week at it starts at 3:30pm... so he went in the late morning and I picked him up around 5pm, that way I got a swim in (the race is next week and I am soooooo not ready!)
A did OK at the sitter's, except that he refused to eat anything and did not nap at all. Needless to say he was a mess that evening. Wait! I told you I had tons of fun this week... but that didn't sound like much fun. On to Tuesday!
Tuesday we had basketball at the Y, A really enjoys dribbling and throwing the ball into the hoop. The class is a lot of fun and we usually top it off with a cookie at Panera... yummm!!! After that we headed to the park near my house. The swing was a hit, and then we headed to the creek to throw some pebbles in the water.

Wednesday A had an appointment at the hairdresser's. It was only his second time so I used the old "reward" technique again. I told him he would get a "cookie monster" when he got his hair cut. (I got the thing on sale at Wegmans for $6). He did awesome! He sat in the chair by himself (last time he was on my lap) and did not say a thing. I had brought the DVD player, so he watched a little cartoon during the haircut. As soon as he was out of the chair, he asked for "Cookie" and we had a party in the car!

Thursday morning, A went back to the sitter's so I could swim and rent a wet suit. Have you ever tried one of those? They are the hardest thing to put on, I was sweating like a pig and felt completely exhausted afterwards! A had a good time and I joined him for lunch with his sitter who is really nice.
In the afternoon, our little neighbor came over to play (she's six months older than A). They are pretty funny together, they always want to see each other, but once they are together they don't always see eye to eye. Of course, A's sharing skills (or lack thereof) do not help the situation. But even if they fight, they never want to leave each other ( kind of like a dysfunctional couple).
Friday, one of my friends came over to hang out with us. She's French too and I think A enjoys having someone around besides me who understands what he says. So our conversation was often interrupted so he could tell her things, it was very cute. When he went down for his nap, he told me "Maud, bien" which in his language means "I like Maud". I am curious to see how he'll react when we're in France and everybody understands him!
Anyway, that's our week. We'll cap it off with a trip to our beloved Wegmans. A just loves that place and I always need something there.
Hope you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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